Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Still a picture…

… In the early evening sunshine.
A joyful sight.
Especially after a long (so long and not without frustration) day, on the phone to the bank. Four hours… (Four!). I can’t log in. Phone this number. Go to the helpline. ‘Log in’, are the unhelpful instructions. I can’t log in. ‘Phone this number if you can’t log in’.. You phone the number and an automated message says, ‘Go to the website. Log in’…. Loops… Grrr.
Anyway, word has it that the kingfisher is around.
I saw her. Twice… She’s like a shimmering resplendent jewel whizzing past. There’s absolutely no mistaking her because she speaks to the heart as well as the eye.
Did I catch her through the lens?
But I sorted out the bank.
Some you win :-)

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