Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Mosedale Valley nr Mellbreak

A beautiful day today and a clear diary which meant a morning off, well I did work the weekend :):) Wanted to go somewhere I hadn't been for a while so decided to walk along a track which runs between Mellbreak and Hen Combe and believe its the Mosedale Valley. Very lucky again with car parking, got last space.... what is it with me and last spaces :) Anyhow Bonnie enjoyed her walk but I think it was, dare I say it, a bit hot for her!!

Changing the subject..... aren't birds fickle! I ran out of peanuts yesterday so bought a small bag from a different supplier to be going on with and they've hardly touched them and last week I bought a different brand of fat balls and it took them a few days to get used to those too! They're like children :):)

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