"Wot, no chips??"

Our little Blue Tit seems to be saying.
He/she has been spotted with beakfuls of nesting material so, fingers crossed for the flutter of tiny wings in due course.
This year, we will be outside guarding against those feathered thugs, the magpies, come the time for the wee ones to fly the nest(box).
In the meantime, the fatballs are helping keep energy levels up.
Much more seasonal weatherwise today. Mag & I took Ali, Euan & Eve into Falkirk then to the park so Euan got a good run round while Eve snoozed blissfully. Lunch was picnic style at Ali's back door then Mag & I returned home to collect Rona (She is not yet allowed into the car) and take her down the wood. A little later, it was over to Grangemouth to pick up Andrew from his work.
Never a dull moment chez nous!

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