Filling the space

This small patch of ground at the top of the garden was used by the previous owners as a bonfire site. They must have burned all manner of things as I've found, glass and china amongst the ashes. There has also been pieces of coal as they also dumped the ashes from the stove there too. It's been a bit unsightly, especially this summer as the previously grown marigolds and wild flowers have not been great. Since Barry changed the windows in the sitting room a couple of weeks ago, see extra for before and after pics of the windows, our view from the window is now so clear. The messy heap at the top of the bank, which you can see in the extras, was marring the view so I decided to dig it out, transplant what was there to a more suitable spot and tidy it all up. The photo is the beginning of the transformation. I've dug in lots of compost and put in plants and cuttings to get it started. It will be a work in progress for a while. In the meantime the outlook from the sitting room is so much nicer.
I spent some time at the village hall shop today, tidying and sorting. I've also drummed up some new volunteers as there is quite a small number of us volunteering each Saturday which makes it difficult during people's holidays and illness. We need a minimum of 5 of us each week to man the posts and we've been managing with just 6 regular helpers and about 4 who are very intermittent. It's great fun and we're happy to be doing it every week but struggle if we're a man down!
Hope everyone enjoyed the BH weekend and it hasn't been too much of a struggle to be back at work. I feel very fortunate for my time to be my own everyday.

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