Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Absolutely TINY

These are the smallest mushrooms (??) I've ever seen. On the right you can see my thumb and maybe judge the size.

We were walking along the dirt road, as we do every morning, and a car was coming up behind us so we scooched over to the left and at some point I was looking down at the wet fallen leaves along the edge of the road/woods when I saw these teeny weeny mushrooms that appeared to be growing on a dead leaf. So I took a photo, and then picked it up to show The Husband (who wasn't as impressed as I was), and took another photo in slightly better light.

The two full photos are the extras.

On the larger side of things - an adult bald eagle flew over our heads a bit further down the road. We heard the whump of its wings and looked up and it was about 15 feet above us - if that. I think it had been feeding on a dead deer that had been shifted from the side of the road (where we saw it yesterday) to a field off to the side behind some trees. We must have spooked it. THAT was exciting. But not photographed. All I did was stand there with my mouth open saying "Wow" as it flew away.

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