Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


windows ajar
the clouds
sneak in

Another angle on yesterday's picture, both taken from the comfort of my desk in my new office.  I originally thought my view onto a bleak concrete courtyard wouldn't have much to offer compared to my old desk next to the Peace Garden, but the bank of windows opposite offers an ever changing mural of light and sky, the two trees are coming into bloom and the crows and pigeons still come to visit.

What attracted me to this image was the way that the bottom bank of windows were opened, and that slight adjustment in the angle reflected the sky, while the windows above capture the luminescent trees. And I'm quite pleased I haven't had to crop or fiddle with the alignment of this at all.

The sun drew out a few butterflies on campus as well: two Small Tortoiseshells which were a bit skittish, but one tolerated my presence enough to allow this image, and my first campus Peacock of the year.

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