Family Ghost

By PhilDockerill


Not entirely sure I have any explanation for this. left myself late today so that I could finish a piece of work which leaves me free tomorrow for invoicing and shopping for a new vacuum cleaner. Actually, I really should spring clean the office too!

This was based on wandering around the garden looking for inspiration and arriving at the shed, looking passed the paintbrushes and finding a jar of nails. Stopping only to feel smug about the fact that the shed is still really tidy, I ran back to the house and started messing about with this.

What did I learn? Attention to detail is everything. It took long enough to line up these little soldiers, I could have got all of the slotted heads facing in the same way. Also, there's a bit of fluff on one of the screws, what's that all about? Oh yes, and the vignette is way too harsh ... tuts.

Well it made me happy.

P.S. clearly I ignored the nails and actually messed around with a jar of screws.

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