The gate to nowhere in particular……..

We were on our way home from our usual Saturday pub lunch when I spotted this gate. So Stephen stopped the car. (Blippers do these things! At least that’s what I told him! :-))
On closer inspection it didn’t seem to have any kind of path at the other side. And it hadn’t been opened for ages.
There is a change going on with the weather. You could feel it in the still slightly humid air.
I still managed to get the washing dry outside and collected it off the line on our return.
The surrounding countryside here has mown fields and some fields still having crops harvested.
The garden is recovering its equilibrium bit by bit, it just needs some rain to help it along.
I’ve put a photo I took this afternoon in extras. I now only have 5 left.
Soon be teatime. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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