Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

Time goes round and round

Today, I was back in London wrapping up a few things for a press launch and sorting out a contract for a sponsorship deal I've been working on. Grabbed this image walking over Waterloo Bridge and thought it represented a little bit about I feel about things today. Don't get me wrong, I 'm a lucky bugger as I get to do things that some people only dream off, trust me I don't take anything for granted in my life and the cool stuff is because I work bloody hard for it. What I suppose I mean is that sometimes things go around and around and over time nothing changes. This thought is connected to a few things around me at the moment which with a bit of a push will stop spinning like the London Eye in a never ending cycle.

Sorry, a bit deep today, I should get on my bike and get my wheels going round ;0)

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