
As part of the Borders Doors Open Day we were able to visit the Fallago Rig Wind Farm in the Lammermuir Hills, (see extra 1), hosted by the company EDF, who develop, build, operate and maintain this wind farm and 36 others onshore. At Fallago Rig there are 48 turbines, each generating 3MW, feeding directly into the National Grid, (extra 2) and capable of powering 86,000 homes.

We drove down to Lauder, not without a complicated route to avoid several closures and traffic queues, to be taken by coach (another pickup in Westruther) through open heather moorland set with shooting butts (indeed, there was a shoot in progress) and, hidden in shielings, beehives (possibly up to a hundred) to give delicious heather honey.

Divided into three groups, while one was given a tour of the site, (including a look at the safety equipment), another was taken inside number 30 turbine tower (main photo) to see the steps (and this one has a lift!) while the other group remained in the marquee with guides, information panels and an excellent buffet.

The weather, though rather grey, remained dry until we arrived back in Lauder, our drive home unhindered by any traffic difficulties.

Thank you, EDF, for an informative and entertaining day.

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