
Dave had another random day off, due to cruise ships (he was asked to take a day of his annual leave). So he had a rare trip to the market, but - horrors! No Pie Dolly! He tried to be brave...

I popped over to the Links later just to say hello to some Green chums who were flying their flag at the Edinburgh Climate Festival. Not much of a festival to be honest - just a lot of stalls with posters/information/leaflets.

Later D noticed a tweet from Jez Lowe saying that his car with all his instruments in had been stolen this afternoon. I went on to FB to find the same announcement there, in order to share it around, but the first posting I saw was to say that a very dear old friend had passed away this afternoon. We later toasted him with a dram, although Doug was actually teetotal all his life. "Here's tae us....."  

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