I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Water Fun

We watch 3 siblings this morning on their approach to getting in the water. The littlest girl was the first to jump in, followed by the two girls pushing their brother in. The remaining sister was having a hard time getting in the water. Pacing the shore, getting to the end of the dock, more pacing....Mom finally came over, picked her up and threw her in the water. Problem solved.

We went grocery shopping, visited with our neighbors while listening to live music and ended the day with the four of us walking to a near by pub for dinner. They were having a raffle for 10 lbs of hamburger. We were the last to buy tickets. Tony won. Shared our winnings with the neighbors.

Tony's sandwich was made with a cranberry, wild rice bread. We asked to buy some slices. It made some tasty toast this morning.

I am grateful to meet people that have been full time RVers longer than us. We are getting good tips.

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