Three Watering Cans mk1

Three Watering Cans mk1
If I am taking a multiple exposure image on the iPhone I tend to choose the  PhotoSplit App and select the multiple exposure template. This app gives the choice of blend modes between shots. I have been very happy with this for a few years. Over that time I have tried a couple of others but have deleted the app after a while. 

My latest experiment was with an app called Photo Blender. I am using the free version. I have tried it on a few occasions with little success.  Today I noticed it on the phone and thought ‘Not worth keeping, I will delete it’.

I don’t know why but I though I would give it one more try. Into the garden I took three different ME shots and was quite happy with all three. The app blends together the shots in quite a realistic way. This one is based on Four Shots of our three watering cans that happened to be in the same place today. You can adjust the image ’in app’ but I did not do that this time. The post possessing adjustments are just in Lightroom and Photoshop.

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