A Shot In The Dark!

Normally, a shot this dark and grainy would not invoke the Heron Rule, but this shot truly was a shot in the dark (with the aid of my flash) from the top of the bridge that goes over the creek.  It was before sunrise and I always go up on the bridge just to see what I can see from there, but it was still dark.  Just as I was getting ready to go down to the trail and start my walk, I thought I saw a bit of movement and I took a shot, but thought I had gotten nothing,  I wondered if using my flash would help any at that distance, so I tried that and still felt that I had gotten nothing.  However, I have learned not to delete anything I have taken until I get home and look at it on my computer in Picasa.  When I did that and hit the Autocontrast button, I saw this guy, the Green Heron!  My husband was so taken with the shot, he immediately suggested that I use it and  he christened it "A Shot In The Dark!"  That's my story and I'm sticking to it! It is mono though it doesn't necessarily fit the challenge.  Thanks to laurie54 for hosting.....

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