Band of light

An every day scene from the building site this morning. It was pretty grey when we got up, but fairly soon the sun came out, but it was initially a bit in the blip. The day resolved into a beautiful sunny and rather warm day.

I spent the afternoon at an event with colleagues from a Swiss university exploring areas of collaboration, and then we went for a convivial collective dinner at Hotel du Vin. The food was fine, as it was all pre-ordered so the disappointments others have recorded there didn't apply.

When I left around 9pm to get a bus (a nicely timed 14 on George IV Bridge), it was still exceedingly warm, and Edinburgh was evincing its Mediterranean cafe culture along the streets, with people eating and drinking outside the cafes and restaurants. We do expect sunshine in September, but not 20+ degree warmth. The city is pretty busy, but there is now a nice balance, which I prefer to the uber busy-ness of August.

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