The 'Beatrixmolen', Winssen

There is a field somewhere behind this but access is not good.  Besides, Beatrix was facing the trees to the south, and the sun, and there was no way to view the windmill through those trees, so no panoramic shot.  One does what one can.

Went to work, worked, ...... went wintmill-hunting...... , went back home.
There was a thunderstorm scheduled to arrive in the evening, and it did arrive, so I am thankful for sunny opportunities when I can get them.  No one knows what tomorrow's weather will be like, forecast or not.

Home is where I did all the preparation for the working days at the university.  I worked till well into the evening and after dinner, but not without regular breaks, and work included TEAMS contact with colleague Gina as she struggled to finish the syllabus.  Together, we pulled it off.  It'll be posted online tomorrow.

Interspersed between all of that was a constant stream of communication with the Viking and Doña through email and phone.  We are gearing up together for Thursday.

Kitchen duties and other housekeeping chores in between to keep things real.  Mid-afternoon, Son came and AW and he drove together to the DIY to pick up the insulating material for the front shed.  The warehouse forklift ruined the steel plates that were part of the order so AW is getting replacements almost for free.  And then the roofing company supposed to come tomorrow has cancelled in anticipation of bad weather, but they don't intend to wait too long.  We'd been scheduled for this week, and they intend to stick to that if conditions are favourable.  The two neighbours who are in the project with us are also looking forward to it.

To say we're very busy these days is an understatement.  Exciting times.  And no time to hold one's breath.  Let it come.

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