Blue tit

It is the very begining of Autumn, the time of year i enjoy for practical reasons.
I dont have to leave the premises to photograph birds, as i have fed & nurtured the cagey & very edgy garden visitors. I mean visit. Nothing spends time here due to Bloomin cats. Ugh, pesky things. Now we have another dog  fewer will visit. Hurrah!
There are also patrolling buzzards, magpie, sparrow hawks and others.
I then can sit in my wheelchair and point my big lens skyward. On a tripod as too damned heavy and my shaky hands.
 Today i sat and watched Rebecca re-seed our small area of wildflowers. Whilst intermittently rattle off a dozen or so shots. I leave you with two. On a very windy day with my shutter speed higher than normal
An adult Blue tit and a youngster

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