The trouble with Yew

Jess eats the plentiful berries from our yew tree.  Look it up on Google and she should have been dead years ago.

We've been rather complacent over the years as she's not had any side effects before, but this morning she was really distressed.  (I think up until this year the berries have come out when the weather is colder so we/she are not in the garden as much and so has never had the opportunity to ingested so many).

This morning she was very agitated, couldn't settle, going up and down the stairs and jumping on all the beds to try and get comfortable!  This is a dog that knows she isn't allowed upstairs.

I was a little panicked but luckily I got an appointment with the vet at 9.30am and she reassured me that there was no sign of poisoning, but that she probably has a sore tummy because of the berries. 

She's been very needy this afternoon and I've spent hours rubbing her tummy.  The vet gave me something to settle things down and after the second dose this evening she has stopped going up and down the stairs, and is looking more settled in her bed.

Fingers crossed for a stress-free night.

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