Resting & Feeding

I have offered this copper hummingbird feeder for a couple of years, but until this year, I never had a taker. One of the two young juveniles still here loves it. He can rest and feed at the same time. The bonus too is an occasional insect crawling around on the feeder. As migration nears, they eat even more insects than usual for protein, and frequent the feeders more often as their carb source, flower nectar, is dwindling.The timing of migration is most likely triggered by the length of the day, and not the availability of flowers or nectar feeders. 

I saw both young juveniles today, but it won't be long before they set out on their solo journeys. They are still territorial, dive bombing each other guarding the feeders. I have six small feeders, but they favor 3 in close proximity. I think they like to show off their incredible flying skills. They are the only birds that can fly backwards and they know it!

In the Extra you can see a photo of 5 year old Nora as she got on the bus today for her first day of full day Kindergarten. She loved it all, making my heart, the heart of an old kindergarten teacher, very happy.

For the  Record,
This day came in cool, damp and cloudy. I had my 5th Covid related vaccine today. Two Covid shot, two boosters and today the new Omicron 
Bivalent booster. I have a slightly sore arm this evening, hopefully that will be the only reaction.

All hands begging for PEACE

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