Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Trying To Be Negative

Not the most pleasant of days or night's sleep for that matter having been tested positive yesterday afternoon. It is likely I will miss the rest of the first week of the year: the first for me in 16+ years as a D&T technician.  Fortunately I am fairly well organised in the workhouse as the class sets were all set up during the last couple of weeks before breaking up for summer. Still there is much to be sorted to keep things ticking over smoothly. Playing catch up it'll have to be, but in the meantime I need to get better. Plenty of water, rest and isolation.

I took a brief stroll into the garden for fresh air and a body stretch (thanks to my over sleeping), and on the bright side of things our newly sowed grass from last week is looking more positive than Wayne Rooney's head.

Today's Wordle: Whoop 4/6

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