Stock Well

By the Church of St.Nicholas, Chearsley
I thought I’d tuck in a holy well towards the end of what was a rather interminable journey south.

Around the time I took this the news of the Queen’s death was being announced. It had been a long six hour journey with rolling news coverage. When I switched off I listened to a download of Private Passions with the surgeon, David Nott. Part way through he talked about returning from Aleppo and being sat next to the Queen at some function. She asked him how it had been and he said that he was unable to speak, his lip began to quiver and he wanted to disappear. He said the Queen touched his hand, indicated to one of the attendants to let the corgis in and then broke a dog biscuit in two and gave half to him to feed to the dogs. Such a moment of awareness, kindness and compassion. It finished me off.
I found my airb&b but feel a bit out on a limb, lost and all at sea. Sense of stability and continuity all too easily rocked these days.

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