Some Days

By Euphemist

Stale Eggs...

...Big time!

This morning, we passed the pond on the way into work and noticed we had some new arrivals.

Six newly hatched greylag goslings were being shown around my mum and dad.

Take a closer look.

The nest is on the small island in the middle of the pond. This was, many years ago, reached by a willow pattern style 'chinese' bridge, but that has long since gone, leaving the island as a perfact haven for the geese, several mallard families and a couple of coots in the undergrowth.

Here mum (or dad - I can't really tell the difference) is ushering the babies out of the water and back to the nest for their afternoon nap.

Help me. Make me stop. This is my seventh consecutive bird-blip (if you count the mechanical bird last Friday!) and I can't stop. I'm already planning to do the wierd family of ducks. I'VE EVEN GOT A TITLE FOR IT!!!

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