B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT


I am holding down the couch for a few days. My poor dog is a hot mess, unsure when he can come in for attention or when he should stay away. Poor guy! The family has been great making sure I’m taken care of and the chores in the house are done so I can rest.

Mobility is better than I anticipated. The gas used to inflate the abdomen is killer, it rises in your body and settles in various areas. The worst is under my rib cage and on the tops of my shoulders. I wasn’t prepared for that and it’s certainly an unwelcome side affect. The surgical site pain is minimal thanks to the tap block she placed before closing me up. Hoping to get rest as I know my body needs it to heal.

As my brain fog lessens from the anesthesia Bj and I were talking about what the surgeon said regarding the size of my uterus and the size of the fibroids. She told us that along with a lot of smaller fibroids (pea to marble size), I had one fibroid that was the size of a tennis ball. Gasp! No wonder I was in pain.

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