Flower Friday - Orchid

I used this orchid for my blip on the 1st September, but it was turned into an abstract version.  More flowers have now opened , so I thought it needed to be seen in it's full glory.
Thank you to BikerBear for continuing to host the flower challenge.

I couldn't let today go by without paying tribute to our Queen Elizabeth 11.

She has been an example to us all of dedication to duty and yet shown a very human side in her love for her family and her warmth when meeting her subjects. 

 I remember being invited by our neighbour to watch the coronation on their television.  It was a 9 inch screen housed in a large cabinet.  I was 10 years old and had never seen a television before. I was amazed by the wonder and pagentry of the ceremony, but slightly more amazed by the televsion.

A sad day.  The country will never be the same again, her loss will be felt for a long time.

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