Summer time - very productive???!!!

Isn't this weather fantastic?! We love the sun!!!!

Today Ann came home from work and said, 'Molly, this afternoon I am going to weed & paint'. I was allowed to lie in a shady corner of the sun terrace and watch while Ann weeded the pots and gave the decking a first coat of paint.

Then off we went for my walk. Well, today is the first day of the 'doggie summer beach ban' so I couldn't go for a play on the beach. However, I spotted my friends Simon & Heather sitting on the edge of the beach with Heather's lovely little King Charles Spaniel so we went to say hello. Simon & Heather were drinking wine on the beach but they didn't offer us any. How civilised is that?!!

Then we had a bit of a trek around town and bumped into our friend Geoff. He said, 'Do you fancy a glass of wine?' Stupid question??!! Ann never turns down an offer of wine. So off we went to the 'Union' so by 6pm Ann had had two glasses of wine ................................and I was getting hungry!!!!!!

What a fabulous day. We love sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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