RIP Ma’am

My mate A who lives in Aboyne was on hand to see the Queen make her final journey from Balmoral down to Edinburgh today and kindly provided a memory of the day.

It’s been on the news all day. Sad times.

In other news, I had a Supercar Experience at Ingliston Racing circuit near Edinburgh.

I actually bought this for MrsT for a Christmas gift but she didn’t fancy it and booked for me instead.

3 laps in a Nissan GTR and I’m sure I could hear the theme tune to Driving Miss Daisy in my head as I took the corners as if I was driving my RAV4.

This was followed by 2 ATOM hot laps. This was awesome!! I actually think I pulled a hamstring just be being a passenger in this rocket car. Holy mother Mary of god was it fast!!

I though the guy wasn’t going to turn at the turns but he just slammed the brakes and gears last minute and drifted round.

Some extra of some of the cars.

Afterwards I picked up L from the grandparents and took her for lunch and shopping.

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