Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

F'n Ella!

This is Ella.

We suffered an attack on the way to work this morning.

Lorry went past and I don't know if the stone came from the lorry or it was whipped up from the road!

It was rather an alarming noise. First from the front of Ella..... And then from the front (and arguably the back) of me.

Have to say that it wasn't just Ella's colour that was blue. The air was def a stronger, darker and pretty offensive colour too.

What a scare I got.

After a change of underwear I was relieved it didn't make it as high as the headlight or the windscreen, which would have been terrible.

Pleased to report that our "VWcamperbodylookerafterman", Derek will assess the damage tomorrow evening. Sure he will be able to restore poor Ella to her former state.

Did I mention I got a real scare?

Thanks for looking.


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