
By tadpoleview

Wildlife ?

Seen this afternoon wriggling its way on the patio! Not sure which end was the front and which the back as it was an odd motion. We thought at first it was a caterpillar, but I'm more inclined towards what my parents used to call a 'leather jacket' or more properly a crane fly lava. Although to be honest it might be anything! Well almost anything!

Maybe I just don't appreciate it, but I am inclined to think it ugly - at least in its present form. But what might it look like later? If it is a crane fly lava, then however much one I dislike them with their long dangly legs, I would have to admit that they are a lot more graceful than this is. I guess it just reminds me that we are all a 'work in progress' and that 'God hasn't finished with us yet'

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