
By HareBrain


Well I think that's what it is. Trying out my macro lens when T and I visited The Farm this morning. It was a day off for me and the weather is just gorgeous. We partook of coffee and cake, mine gluten free almond and orange and for T a great hunk of chocolate and almond torte. I took photos of T's cake - it had gold leaf running through the thick chocolate icing with fresh raspberries and little gold/turquoise balls on the top. He said it was heaven on a fork .

There are new piglets, 13 of them, at The Farm and I took loads and loads of photos, of course, but just couldn't decide whether to show you my first attempt at macro with the new lens or the new kids on the block but I've put them on my blipfolio (animals and birds), if you care to have a look.

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