Straeon bob dydd

Straeon bob dydd ~ Everyday stories

“Kindness is inseparable from appreciation and enjoyment.  If one likes people, one will be kind in relation to them.  One cannot like people without appreciating them – without enjoying their presence.”
—Ngakpa Chögyam and Khandro Déchen

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Mae llawer o straeon yn ystod bob dydd. Heddiw es i allan i redeg. Mae e wedi bod amser hir ers i mi redeg. Roeddwn i'n araf ond roeddwn i'n hapus i gwblhau’r 5 cilometr. Yna yn hwyrach yn y bore aethon ni i ganolfan frechfa oherwydd bod Nor'dzin wedi cael ei galwad i gael ei brechiad atgyfnerthu. Arhosais i y tu allan y canolfan tra roedd Nor'dzin i mewn. Roeddwn i'n gyfforddus yn eistedd ar y rac cefn fy meic, ac y tynnu ffotograffau. Yna aethon ni i siopa (ger y canolfan frechfa) cyn mynd adre. Yn y prynhawn, roedd e'n fwy o waith ar inswleiddio’r drysau.  Felly, dim byd cyffrous. Dim ond straeon bob dydd.

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There are many stories during every day. Today I went out for a run. It's been a long time since I ran. I was slow but I was happy to complete the 5 kilometres. Then later in the morning we went to a vaccination center because Nor'dzin had her call to get her booster shot. I waited outside the center while Nor'dzin was inside. I was comfortable sitting on the rear rack of my bike, and taking photographs. Then we went shopping (near the vaccination center) before going home. In the afternoon, it was more work on insulating the doors. So, nothing exciting. Just everyday stories.

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