Rain and shine

It was a bit rainy this morning, as we suspected it might be. Gordon got wet as he went for the paper. (When we are here he hands over his Guardian vouchers and the newsagent puts a paper aside for him each morning.)

Eventually we wandered along the front to the Fish Place (they sell lots of other things as well - it's a great shop). We pass this view across to the sea and the fishing boats area. In the foreground is open space belonging to some rather smart apartments - it would seem someone has been collecting 'stuff'. The building to the right is the old lifeboat station, which is where the fish place and the cafe are.

In the afternoon the sun shone and people emerged to swim, walk along the prom etc. I was content to sit with my sewing and my book within sight and sound of the sea.

Tomorrow we see the grandchildren - it seems such a long time since we saw them. 

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