
After work I went through to pick up C and we swam. The lake was marbled. The evening light was astonishing and the Pennines were as deep a red as I’ve ever seen.

I’ve just been watching the procession of the Queen from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall. I’m still finding it all very affecting and moving on so many levels. So many. Lots of unexpected resonances. And a very visceral throw back to having a few days alone with G lying in an open coffin at home before following him being carried out the back door, down the garden path, leaving our home for the last time and walking behind the hearse into the village to the church with all the mourners following behind. Going from the very private to the very public. Mind you, when we got to the church I realised we were a pallbearer short and ended up calling down the line ‘anyone fancy carrying a coffin?’ ... that wasn’t so likely today.

Quite apart from all of this, it was wonderful to listen to the wonderful Abel Selacoe this evening on my way back https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001bz56
Here’s another clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mJZ4zd7Acq0

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