
Today, moving around the house wasn't so easy; even the prospect of going down the outside steps with a bin bag was daunting. One of those days when I let out a loud yelp after each second or third step on my painful side. The yelps are involuntary and to someone who isn't used to them it's very disconcerting and bloody annoying for me. Consequently, I don't do very much socialising these days.

I rang the Consultants secretary today because I still haven't heard anything and its heading toward a month since I saw him. He said it would take a few days to clarify things with his Radiography team. (back in August) The secretary said he had been on leave and had spoken to the team but hadn't yet followed that up with his opinion/decision so hopefully I will hear something soon. Wether a small operation to the S1 is on the cards or major surgery with a rod to stabilise the lumbar spine.

I've come to learn that waiting requires lots of patience.

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