Lines of Vines

Right now the vines have been carefully trained and pruned so that the leaves provide a canopy to protect the grapes from the sun as they ripen. Soon they will turn red and gold and fall. In December, the bare vines will be pruned and one or two branches will be trained along lines of wire. I think they are fairly abstract even without doing much to the picture. 

I set aside today to try and really get something done on the current quilt. I didn't, but it took the better part of the day anyway. I have to believe that I have finally cracked the particular code for this quilt; either that, or I will just have to be happy with not being particularly happy with it. As a result, I don't have much else to report today and comments will have to wait until tomorrow..

Thanks to Ingeborg for continuing this challenge (which is always a challenge for me). 

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