Constant Exposure

By constant

And Now For Something Completely Different...

I installed a new dishwasher today. Took a quick snap with the iPhone and put it through Poladroid to get this blip. Can't say I like it but, hey, it's a blip. The installation was very trying but worked out well.

Our old dishwasher broken a while back but we were fortunate to have a home warranty which covered most of the cost of the new one. That and we bought it at Sears Outlet where you can get refurbished and dinged appliances for a lot cheaper. Though I have to say it seemed like we got better deals at the Sears outlet in California.

Speaking of So Cal, I got a flash-back this morning when I got in to my car to take Emma to school. The front dash and steering wheel were super hot from the sun. Ouch!

Thankfully tonight it has cooled down a lot and we even got some refreshing rain.

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