Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Abstract Lines

I was sitting in Becky's egg chair (see extra) looking up at the sky and this is what I saw.  Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursdays!

So...I mentioned before that Becky and Darrin are on vacation, and we're sitting with the granddogs.  I came over at 3:45 AM on Wednesday so they could leave for the airport to catch their 7 AM flight.  When they left, the boys and I went back to bed and slept until 8, so not too much sleep was lost.  PD came over mid-morning so I could go home and take a shower, etc.  Then Piper and I came back with lunch.  It was my turn to sleep at home, so Piper and I left about 7 PM and left PD with the boys.  This morning was a pool day, so I went and then went back home to shower, dress and pack for the night (because it's my turn).  When I got here, PD went home to shower, etc and then came back to have dinner with me.  He left soon after so he could get home in time to hang out with Piper and watch the football game.  I can't believe it's only Thursday.  I feel like we've already been doing this for a week!  Roll on Sunday!

I am grateful that B & D are having a good time!  That makes this all worth it. :-)

Thank you to everyone who has stopped by with stars and hearts on my recent blips.  All are really appreciated!

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