Ordinary day

OH had a golf competition and I had a morning volunteering session.  Lots of calls but none that stayed with me after the session.  My shift partner had a very long (2 hour) call which left him visibly shaken, with his head in his hands and tears rolling down his cheeks (he is over 6ft and spend his career in the corporate world, big wig job!). We didn’t take any more calls but chatted with each other about the importance of family and the upbringing a child receives which should be full of love, support, care and encouragement .  If these are not there from an early age, life begins to unravel and often stays with the person the rest of their life.

I had intended to call into see MIL on the way home but popped into TK Maxx instead and was ravenous by the time I’d mooched around the shop. Home for a sandwich, crisps, tomatoes out of the greenhouse (stuffing my face as I picked - told you I was hungry!) filled by tea and a cake.  

Sat for a bit and listed a few bits on eBay (including travel heated rollers in the photo) then did a long river walk to close the rings on my watch.  OH home then quick out again for bone density check for MIL.  He had lunch at the golf club after the competition and I’d filled up at lunch so no dinner for me and cheese for him.  

I started again on the tapestry that I had unpicked the night before and I’m glad I had as it was much easier to follow the pattern.  A couple of episodes of a new drama with ‘poldark’ in the lead.

Ordinary day.

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