Homeward Bound

Posted some whisky samples to a fellow Blipper.  Prepared for tonight’s whisky club meeting.  CMC is preparing her own club.  It has extra nails
I went to visit my Mum and, after a spell of real clarity, she was really mixed up today.  She said she’d spent a lot of the morning walking around the mall.  She owes money to: (and this is verbatim) ‘Larry, Garry, Barry, or Harry’ – she’s not sure which.  Whereby I know his name is Karl.  Karl’s a good soul – a carer at the home; he has taken the time to locate some perfume for my Mum that hasn’t been made for years.  I think it was ‘Haddock in a Mist’.  She then said she was in the basement looking for the ATM (neither of which exist). 
Out of nowhere she asked me ‘Iain, is Derek Nimmo still alive?’

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