A day in the life

By Shelling


Another lovely slow day with only two appointments. My Chiropractor treated me a second time for my problematic shoulder, she says these things has a tendency to take some time for the body to cure. She loosened my neck and at least one of my ribs which felt horrible but good afterwards. Two of my ribs has stuck and the muscles around them are trying to compensate which makes some muscles be very tight. I feel better tonight but will probably need another fix in two weeks, perhaps.

After the treatment I went to the Swedish blueandyellow house, I think you recognise the typeface, to buy some lamps for my kitchen. Of course I saved some money by buying a lamp-model in their "second hand" department and when I got it home it didn't work. So much for that.

In the late afternoon there was a vernissage that sounded very interesting in one of the art-galleries in Kalmar. Her exhibition was all about Archetypes and Personas, an area that interests me. Her art was expressive and colourful but didn't "hit" me particularly, her stories about the project was more interesting then the actual paintings, I thought. 
The act that opened the vernissage was a friend called Lasse, who is a professional puppeteer and did a short improvisation together with his most well known character called "Signe", who was an actual person in old Kalmar, refusing to sell her paper-shop to one of the big malls in the sixties which meant the mall could build their huge shopping-centre over the whole block, except her hose on the corner. She shopping mall is long since gone but her house is still there, now a famous café. Lasse wrote a whole play around her and her brother, which was a big success and after that he has toured withe her. He opens the suitcase where she lives and she takes it from there. He says he never has any idea what she's going to say or where it's going. He (they) are absolutely brilliant.

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