Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Cranesbill flower essence helps you to become single-minded both spiritually and mentally. It can be easy to be diverted, distracted and persuaded away from what we sense and know deep inside ourselves. Cranesbill helps bring back that focus and clarity.

I love the way the bud is pointing heavenwards in this shot because straight after taking it I went to yoga and we reached up, one arm to heaven at a time to connect to spirit. I feel like I am the cranesbill and the cranesbill is me.

My birthday camera is going off to the camera hospital today to get enlightenment - the flash isn't working. So I will be bereft for a few days. Two months ago if someone had said I would be without a camera for a few days I would barely have batted an eyelid. Today it feels like a huge loss. Thank you Blip.

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