Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962


Two days ago, as one of my "start living again" tasks, I rescued the old, beat up bird table from the mouldering pile of kipple in which it lay. Cleaned off and set upright once more in the middle of the garden, hopefully far enough from the house to avoid scaring off the inquisitive, strewn with alluring bird treats - we waited expectantly for visitors. "Hey Presto!" , today it attracted its first visitors - three handsome starlings, hesitant at first but getting bolder.....and then the realisation that a free meal really was going asking! Getting the camera out of its case was enough to let them escape but a little quiet patience and back one of them came.

It's only a starling on a bird table but its also an exciting little reconnection with the world around me.

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