Windsor on the eve of the funeral

I drove over to Windsor late this afternoon with my daughter to get a feel for the atmosphere on the eve of the State Funeral. We parked in Windsor Great Park and walked up the Long Walk where people had already claimed their front row pitches for the final stage of the Queen's journey to St George's Chapel tomorrow. One chap we spoke to was Delroy Morrison who told us that he had been the fourth person into Westminster Hall when it opened for the lying-in state. He was quite a character and had his special green tunic ready to wear tomorrow. He was also sporting a Bob Marley flag next to his Union Flag with the Queen at its centre. The atmosphere was great - we bumped into someone we hadn't seen in ages and spoke to the stewards and others bedding down for the night, or laying floral tributes at the gates to the castle. There was an array of pictures, drawings, captions and tributes - those from children  were particularly endearing.

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