Windmill 'De Drie Waaien', Afferden, Gelderland

'De Drie Waaien' = 'The Three Blowings of the Wind' sounds more poetic than 'The Three Gusts of Wind'.
There is another Afferden, in the province of Limburg.  It also has a windmill.  Wonder when I'll have time...

A lot of 'blowings of the wind' today, together with the comings, goings, and gatherings of clouds.  There was a generous 'hole' in the sky sometime in the middle of the afternoon, according to the cloud radar.  It was 'go or be sorry'.  There is just so little time and not much reasonable weather these days.  I began this project when COVID had been around for three months and I was unemployed, the exact opposite of my current situation.  Rain earlier this evening, which was good.

Decided today that the job in Leerdam is not for me.  Nothing to do with age, or does it?  I will not wear myself out the way I used to.  Mailed the employment agency that I found a job right where I live, which is true enough anyway, and would like to make this coming week my last week.  There isn't anything on paper that won't allow me to decide this.  Had a talk with AW, and he said if I wasn't happy I shouldn't go on.  Well, I won't wait until I'm unhappy.  Maybe stick around longer, I might change my mind?  I think not.  Thankful for that bit of income, emphasis on 'bit'.

Tackled my genealogy today, finished it, updated my files.  Some gaming.  Supermarket errands earlier, kitchen duties.  But what really tired me out was yesterday.  The Viking texted me this morning.  I'm making that wait.

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