Still Life

Well, it rained, as predicted. And it's raining again! This will go a long way to fill up the rain barrels and to give everything a good soak. I imagine the plants are dancing for joy out there in the dark. 

What the rain means for me, though, is that I don't go walking. Not so for Mr S, who doesnt mind getting wet.

I watched a couple videos about Gelli printing (see yesterday's entry), did the crossword, made food for family dinner, took a nap, and watched the Jets game to try and get a glimpse of my grandson. This was the first time we've been able to see the whole game on our tv, but he didn't play, the score was 17 to 30 and there was hardly any time left so we turned it off. A couple minutes later there was a text from my son saying the Jets had won, 31 to 30 and that our guy had made an interception that cinched the win!!  There are videos of that play all over the net, thank goodness, so I could see him after all. The lesson for me is don't leave your seat til someone tells you it's really over! 

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