
By Livresse

Camino Português - day 7

From Pontevedra to Calda de Reis 23km
We left the beautiful Pontevedra fairly early to make the most of the morning temperature (extra). The morning walk was pleasant, through shaded forest - beautiful gum trees, fragrant eucalyptus and ancient oak, amongst others - and small villages. Being Sunday, the churches were ringing for morning mass and it was interesting to see that they were rung by hand, as per my main photo. We made a tiny detour to the Cascades of the Baroda River, where we could cool our feet, rest and have lunch. 
After lunch was much harder - much less shade and the temperature was at least 30ºC. Thankfully it wasn't far and we arrived in good time for a rest, and a lie in the shade with my book.

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