
By Beewriter

A sad day

There is no other country in the world who can do pomp and circumstance as well as us. I felt so proud to be British as I watched the funeral of Queen Elizabeth today. What a wonderful woman, what a wonderful life and what a wonderful send off.

We had a late night last night after all the excitement of the Minack and Bev came back with us and stayed over. We took her back to her house and had a look around. It is like an episode of Grand Designs as they bought an old Sunday school that was virtually derelict and are doing it up. They have a long way to go but it looks fabulous so far.

We raced back to watch the funeral and then headed over to Marazion this afternoon. We walked along the beach but couldn’t walk over to St Michael’s Mount as the tide wasn’t low enough. Hopefully, we will go back another time. We had a walk round then went off to Perranuthnoe and I had a lovely swim in the sea. Another great day.

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