A Conference

It felt an odd sort of day, the feeling that I had become becalmed in the centre of stillness. The sea was calm and the weather too. The fact that the Hamnavoe ferry was out of action with a steering problem may have exacerbated the quietness of the town as there was no ferry traffic passing through the town.

This morning I swam further than I have done since I came -to the white buoy and back. The sea was calm and there was no bouncing about in waves, which made it easier but I’m still the slowest Selkie on the block.

I had a lovely stroll in the afternoon with EllyJay when we went to the Ness to chat with her husband who was on lookout for fins and things in the water. Afterwards we went back to her house for a cup of tea and I declined to help her with her wool mountain. I have my own at home.

She has arguably the best view of Hamnavoe that there is and yards away from the slip too. How wonderful is that!

As I started for home with the drizzle beginning, the birds in the blip were having a conference of the telegraph pole.

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