Ready to Freeze

‘Waste not, want not’ they say, or at least they used to before everyone started creating more waste than we can handle. But that’s by the by, we now have a bag of frozen apples stored in the freezer and waiting for discovery at some distant, future time. I made room by taking out a bag of pumpkin purée and another of recently discovered dahl which combined to make us a cracking rib-sticker soup for today’s lunch.
Powered by soup I headed up to the golf course for some overdue (and too late) practice and also to retrieve my camera, then tonight it was a tenpin match. Despite us being a player down (Jimmy’s memory playing him up) we managed to win the first game before my form went AWOL in the second. Still, a couple of points keeps us ticking along. Early days but we’re not in the relegation zone!

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