Pike of Stickle; West Ridge

A route I've walked past often,  but the 45-60° scree slope descent to the start, with 500m+ of fell beneath you, has always lessened the appeal lol.
But. It was today's plan. 
The forecast was good with negligible winds. The reality was more so so with strong gusts of a bitingly cold wind. However, if you could find the spots out of the wind and in the sun... The rough rhyolite rock held enough heat to warm cold hands. 
The route? Fantastic*

*I've esoteric tastes. You need a very good head for heights and exemplary route finding/risk assessing skills. I'd advice... Hiring a guide (I can recommend one...), moving together roped if you know how to do so, or being very comfortable on top end grade two moves in a spectacular position if you choose to solo. 

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