It's nice, but it's not #15.

We voted, we "took a nash" out to the recycling centre with a goodly chunk of garden/shed dross. Isn't it a bugger when there's a recycling facility which only takes plastic if it'll fit through a 12" square hole?
Thence home for a brew, it was feeding time @ Henry's (Greystone House farm). You can't see where we've been in the garden, but believe you me I know where we've been.
It was then discovered that we were short a thing ot two, like olives, which Cranston's sells in a way which let's you fill a plastic jar with as much as you can cram in, on a mix and match basis.
Caught up with a bloke called Stuart/Stewart who, with his Mrs. I thought of as Moralee right and Moralee wrong,
who told us of a camp-site in the deep South with a bar run by an ex-Fireman, we'll have to have a trip down, apparently it's like a Fire museum.
Found a froggery while tidying, put the cover back on and they'd never moved, got camera and Herself to lift while I aimed and shot ... RATS! they were ready for me this time and all I got was 3/4/focus: Bugger.
Cranston's Cupatearia used to have a wee succulent on each table, they're down to four, extremely anhydrous specimens on a window ledge. I wonder if I should take charge? Their table centres, while nice were not real like #15's are.

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